Deja Vu

Sometimes it happens in everyone that the current situation happens before. We are familiar to new place , person or conversation with someone before. We puzzled that what does it and why does it happen ?

Basically this is a “Deja Vu “ a French word which means ”  Already Seen or Again” .It is a memory based experience memory centre of brain responsible for it.

Our brain have four lobes frontal , parietal ,temporal and occipital. It occurs due to activity of Temporal lobe ( for long term memory ) and Hippocampus ( convert short term memory into long term memory ) 

It is just experience common in teenage or  20-30 year of age.Children not experience Deja Vu.

Even I also had Deja Vu when I went to zoo at 4 year before. I experience that I had come at same place before and I know that what happen after. At that time I don’t know what is Deja Vu .But the experience are never forgettable.

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